According to World Health Organization, mental health is ‘a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, copes with the normal stresses of life, works productively and fruitfully, and makes a contribution to her or his community’. Every day, half a billion people suffer from depression across the world, with associated economic, social, and educational impacts. Every 40 seconds, someone in the world takes his or her own life, producing a global tally of more than 800,000 suicides per year and Mental illness is a chronic disease of the young, with over 75% of mental illnesses showing by age 24.

To fast-track achievement in the society that cuts across sectors and groups, citiesRISE, global platform through Centre for Public Health and Development aims to improve mental health and wellbeing by connecting leading mental health practitioners and community members to drive change through city and community-based alliances and initiatives, adoption of evidence-based strategies, Scaling up proven tools and approaches through helping communities learn from each other and working with innovations that bring services to where people are. Broadly this is through Local collective action, focusing on young people and youth leadership and through innovation and acceleration and ultimately nurturing the self, space and society as critical dimensions of human well-being.