Nurse Anesthetist Training

This program was implemented under the banner of Improving Perioperative Anesthesia Care and Training in Africa (ImPACT Africa) in partnership with Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Kijabe College of Health Sciences. With funding from General Electric Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative-the ImPACT Africa has been able to expand the training of Kenya Registered Nurse Anesthetists (KRNAs) at Kenya Medical Training College. This has opened up additional training opportunities for this cadre of anesthesia providers who help meet the huge deficit in anesthesia providers in Kenya. Adopting a competency-based training curriculum, the nurse anesthetists are trained to provide safe anesthesia using the latest anesthesia standards and guidelines.

Additional grants from Elma Philanthropies have allowed for the establishment of the third training program at KMTC Kisii.


Additional training sites KMTC Kisumu, KMTC Kisii


Nurses enrolled in the training programs at KMTC


Additional counties utilizing the services of nurse anesthetists to provide safe anesthesia services