Center for Experiential Learning

The Center for Experiential Learning (CEL) was established at Jaramogi Odinga Oginga Teaching and Referral Hospital with the goal of creating a safe learning environment for health workers. Managed by the Institute for Global Health, CEL is equipped with high fidelity (SimMan®, SimMom®, and SimBaby®) mannequins. These mannequins have accurate anatomy and functionality that allow them to mimic a real human patient. They provide an ideal environment to learn using real experiences where clinicians can refine their individual and team skills without posing risk to real patients. Ideal for training health workers working in LMICs, the simulation space provides a space for practical learning using various scenarios that mimic the resource-limited environments they are accustomed to. The learners will gain skills that will allow them to work as effective teams and strengthen their decision-making skills to allow them to provide appropriate responses when exposed to a wide range of medical situations. Real-time debrief sessions prepare students to engage in individual and collaborative reflection. This is done by giving them the opportunity to review scenarios, break down their decision making and discuss areas for improvement.

The Center contains a wide range of teaching resources, including:

  • High fidelity SimMan, SimBaby, and SimMom mannequins
  • Low fidelity resuscitation training mannequins
  • Critical care equipment including a functional ventilator and defibrillator
  • Range of clinical settings, e.g. ICU, emergency room and operating theatres
  • Facilitated learning by experienced clinician

The institute is also equipped with two to debrief spaces-a boardroom and classroom- with a capacity of up to 25 persons. In addition to this, the center is equipped with a modern audiovisual system that can support tele-education allowing for joint training sessions with learners from different locations. This space is ideal for use by institutions that want to provide health workers with a practical learning environment where they have the space to make mistakes, learn from their mistakes and acquire/retain competencies set out in predetermined learning objectives.

Additional information on costs and scheduling can be made through the contacts below:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Mobile: +254 734 858850